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“Your greatest responsibility is to live a life that nourishes your highest truth.”~Mollie Marti

"I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity to do what I truly love  
and I will continue to serve Him and those who seek my help until I am called home...Within The Light." ~ Tracy Lee Nash

Tracy Lee Nash

Tracy Lee "T.L." Nash began her spiritual journey around the age of 6 when she discovered she could sense things even though 
there wasn't a physical presence. She would also learn she could hear voices, "see" things and smell certain odors and  fragrances 
as well. At the time, she didn't know this was how people who passed away would communicate with the living.  She didn't understand
until years later there was a name for someone like her who experienced these things. Medium. When T.L. was 8, a neighbor introduced her to psychic readings which deeply resonated with her. Ultimately, these early encounters would lay the foundation of what would
become her life's passion and profession: using her intuitive and mediumship abilities to help others.
Early on, she focused a lot of her attention on her intuitive work. Although she would deliver messages from spirit to friends and
 family, it wasn't until later on in life, after marrying and starting a family of her own, that her mediumship abilities deepened
 after one of her children became very ill. A few years later, a near-death experience during a miscarriage heightened her intuitive
abilities, and these two events fundamentally changed the way she would read for those here and in the  afterlife.
It's also how Within The Light came to be. 
For over 30 years now, Tracy Lee Nash has been experiencing a world many choose not  to believe in, but for her, she does believe, 
and it has been an incredibly life-altering, humbling and miraculous journey. She gets to work with the most amazing people from 
all walks of life and it is a great privilege and honor to be of service to those in need. Her passion and profession is helping others
by empowering, teaching and promoting the belief that we are more than just people; we are spiritual beings not only meant to live beyond 
our five senses, but that there is a continuity to our existence which doesn't end even in death.
"Thank you for visiting Within The Light. May your enjoy your time here and may this website encourage you to think outside the
box and live beyond your five senses."
In Love-n-Light,
Tracy Lee Nash

*Disclaimer: I DO NOT treat, prescribe or diagnose. I AM NOT  a medical doctor or licensed professional counselor. I am an Interfaith minister and metaphysical

practitioner and provide a variety of educational, alternative, metaphysical and/or holistic resources as well as wellness modalities including spiritual support,

intuitive insight, mediumship and more within my ministry to assist those seeking my services and/or a more metaphysical/holistic approach to life. Any advice,

information or communication which you receive from Tracy Lee Nash or this website is solely open to your own interpretation and by reading this disclaimer

and the content on this site, you are agreeing that you understand the information. You must be 18 years or older to call. For entertainment purposes.


Copyright 2013. All rights reserved.

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